I often make this for Mark since he loves to eat adobo flakes for breakfast and I find the store bought ones a little expensive considering its quite easy to prepare
One whole chicken breast (bone in)
One half bottle of adobo marinade ( i often use silver swan - Php 15 per small bottle)
3 pcs laurel leaves
a few peppercorns
one cup water
Mix marinade, laurel leaves, pepper corns and water.
Boil in chicken with mixture in low heat for at least one hour or until chicken is very tender and meat is separating from the bones.
Drain chicken from the sauce. Reserve sauce for later use.
When chicken is cool enough to handle, remove meat from the bone and flake meat into desired thickness.
Put chicken flakes back to reserved sauce and continue cooking until sauce evaporates completely.
Place mixture in a container and freeze overnight.
Fry flakes in cooking oil until desired crispness is achieved.
Serve with salted egg and tomatoes on the side if desired.
This is my entry for FOOD FRIDAY for this week
Happy Eating !!!